taking AIM

the AIM Rule 26 and tern

AIM Rule 26 Information

shares in issue and shareholders

The following information is being disclosed for the purposes of AIM Rule 26. The information disclosed on this page is in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies and was last updated on 24 September 2024.

Shares in issue and shareholders

Tern PLC shares in issue – 444,223,831 ordinary shares of 0.02p and each share is entitled to one vote.

Tern PLC has not applied or agreed, to have any of its securities admitted to trading on any other exchange or trading platform than AIM.

The Company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in Treasury.

The number of shares not in public hands is 14,620,218 shares, 3.3%.

This information was updated on 24 September 2024.

There are no restrictions on the transferability of the Company’s ordinary shares.

Tern PLC is incorporated in England | Registration No. 5131386 | The United Kingdom is its main country of operation | Registered Office: 27/28 Eastcastle Street, London W1W 8DH.

advisers & investor contacts


Nominated Adviser and Broker
Allenby Capital Limited, 5 St. Helen’s Place, London, EC3A 6AB

Financial PR
IFC Advisory, Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane, London, EC3V 9DU

Company Registrar
Share Registrars Ltd, 3, The Millennium Centre, Crosby Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7XX

Evelyn Partners LLP, 45 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7BG

Corporate Lawyers
Reed Smith, 1, Blossom Yard, London, E1 6RS


Investor contacts

Please contact Tern’s financial PR agency, IFC Advisory in the first instance.


The Directors have been advised that Tern PLC is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. The Board recognises the value and importance of high standards of corporate governance.

Accordingly, the Board has adopted the Corporate Governance Code 2018 (“the Code”) published by the Quoted Company Alliance (“QCA”). For further details, please see the link below.

For more information, please contact us.

Click here for our Investing Policy.

Tern has a non-executive Board of Directors which is its Investment Committee and is supported by a non-Board senior executive management team.  Further details of this can be found in the Company’s Corporate Governance Statement. 

Click here for further information on Corporate Governance. Updated 11th July 2024.

Please note, the information disclosed on this page is in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies and was last updated on 11th July 2024.

directors & responsibilities

View our team here The Board comprises one Executive Director and two Non-Executive Directors: Ian Ritchie, Alan Howarth and Sarah Payne. The Board manages the Company’s affairs according to the schedule of matters reserved for its decision, including the approval of financial statements, acquisitions and disposals, authority levels for expenditure, and reviews of monthly and other management reports.

The Company holds board meetings periodically as issues arise which require the attention of the Board. The Board is responsible for the management of the business of the company, setting its strategic direction and establishing policy. It is the Board’s responsibility to oversee and monitor the financial position, the business and the affairs of the Company on behalf of the shareholders, to whom the Directors are accountable.

The Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee both comprise Ian Ritchie and Alan Howarth and are both chaired by Alan Howarth.

View here the results of the voting at Tern plc’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Thursday 30 April 2023, at The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose Street, London EC2A 2RS.

constitutional, admission and circulars